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Introducing 'Friday's Quality Check'

Co-efficient's bi-weekly newsletter

Do you ever lay awake at night thinking about process waste?

OK, I'm probably the only one.

But the other night I had a different thought. I was thinking about New Year's resolutions. And I finally resolved to do something I've been thinking about for a long time. Something important to me and my company. What is it?

You're reading it. 

I've always wanted to have a newsletter because I think it's a great way to engage with likeminded people in the lead-acid battery industry. So here's the first iteration of Friday's Quality Check, our brief, bi-weekly check-in.

Every second Friday, I'll be sending an email with new insights into making better batteries.

That's really our main goal. Everything else is secondary. Today we're focused on solving automatic thickness control for lead plates to eliminate process waste. But tomorrow's problem might be different. And we plan to be here to help you solve it.

But to stay on the leading edge, we need to think differently. And we need YOUR help.

I want to learn more about the challenges that you face on a daily basis. This newsletter isn't just a forum for me to share my insights. I'm hoping to learn a lot from you too. 

So please, always feel free to respond to my emails with your feedback or advice.

Until next time,


P.S. I've learned how difficult it is to come up with newsletter topics. Could you help me? I'd love to know: what's your #1 challenge when it comes to managing your pasting lines and minimizing process waste? Email me at with your feedback.

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